The bodywork of your vehicle is not just for show; it is essential to your car's safety, performance, and overall longevity. Maintaining the exterior requires a lot more than just the occasional wash. From paint protection to swift correction of minor mishaps, several fundamental practices can preserve your vehicle's beauty even in the face of the most formidable forces of nature. Here are the tried-and-true suggestions of a few panel beaters.
Regular Washing and Waxing
The most apparent way to keep your vehicle's body in good shape is regular cleaning. Conspicuous by their absence, dirt and grime appear in every nook and cranny of a car's exterior. But the scary stuff is road salt, which can accumulate and corrode your undercarriage and other parts of your car. Once the vehicle's been washed, a high-quality wax should be applied to the car's surface. Waxing not only makes your car shiny but also serves as a protective layer.
Promptly Address Minor Damages
If you leave even the slightest blemish—like a scratch or dent—untended, it can lead to a much bigger problem. A scratch can go right through the clear coat and expose the paint and metal beneath it to the atmosphere. When a dent occurs, its dented surface has a tendency to buckle and break the paint seal around the dent. Left unaddressed, both problems might allow moisture to get into places it was never meant to go. Water and oxygen together almost always mean corrosion. And car repair shops can never claim that any vehicle they work on is going to be rust-free; they can only get as close to that ideal as the materials and processes they use will allow.
Use Paint Protection Film (PPF)
Investing in Paint Protection Film (PPF) allows drivers to take an extra precautionary step in maintaining their automobile's finish. The clear, tough film protects high-risk areas, like the hood, bumper, and mirrors, from nicks, dings, and scratches. PPF won't yellow, and it will keep your car's paint looking freshly polished. Cars exposed to the elements have a tougher time keeping the paint in good condition. PPF will pay for itself when you figure in how much it costs to repaint high-risk areas.
Routine checks of your vehicle's exterior can allow you to detect problems before they escalate into something more serious. Ensure that you have your vehicle inspected at least every six months, or more frequently if you tend to keep your vehicle outdoors. A body shop professional can check for problems that might affect the structural integrity of your vehicle that you might miss in a casual inspection.